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Showing posts with label news. Show all posts

Saturday, 12 July 2014

How to Disable Right Click on Blogger

You might have noticed that in some websites or blog right click is disabled . Now you can also add "Disable Right Click on Blogger"widget on your blog and protect your copyright content from being used in any other website.

Follow these steps to Add "Disable Right Click on Blogger" by eBlogger Tips

1) Log in to Blogger Dashboard --> Layout --> Page Elements 

2) Click on 'Add a Gadget' on the sidebar

3) Select 'HTML/Javascript' and add the code given below and click save.

<script language="JavaScript">

//For full source code, visit

var message="";
function clickIE() {if (document.all) {(message);return false;}}
function clickNS(e) {if
(document.layers||(document.getElementById&&!document.all)) {
if (e.which==2||e.which==3) {(message);return false;}}}
if (document.layers)

document.oncontextmenu=new Function("return false")
// -->
Useful Tip:- If you want to protect your images/pictures, then our suggestion is to add a Watermark (logo) on images

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Advanced Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP Desktop Theme Kit

Powered by The Skins Factory's Hyperdesk theming solution
DarkMatter: Subspace for Windows 7/XP/Vista features 2 themes, icon set, custom wallpapers, media player skin & an animated iTunes/WMP audio remote. Sold separately or as part of the DarkMatter Quadrilogy set. For more information click Download to go to All images © 2010. The Skins Factory, Inc.

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Most Commented Posts Widget for Blogger with Comment bubbles!

Most of you requested how we created the Most commented widget that shows the list of Top10 most popular posts sorted by comment bubbles. You can see this widget on our sidebar under the heading "Most Discussed". What we did here was using existing script from Yahoo! Pipes that uses json to parse and display each post with highest number of comments posted on it. Using CSS3 pseudo properties, we then styled the comment count with comment bubbles. This widget is simply a copy-paste tool that can be installed within seconds. Lets add this dynamic and fast loading widget to your blogger blogs!

Add Most Commented Widget to Blogger

  1. Go to Blogger > Layout
  2. Click "Add a Gadget"
  3. Choose HTML/JavaScript widget
  4. Paste the Following code inside it:

Friday, 27 June 2014

Why SEO Is Like Investing

During a recent conversation with a friend, I was struck by how similar SEO is to investment planning. People tend to take the same approaches to these subjects, with the most common being; 1. do nothing, 2. hire an expert to handle it for you, or 3. dig in and do it yourself.  Let’s look at each in turn:
Bury your head in the sand.  Obviously, the “do nothing” approach has one key benefit – it’s easy.  Of course, it is also the least likely to yield tangible results.  The most common reasons a person selects this approach are a lack of resources such as time or money, and that it’s too complicated.  Sound familiar?
Hire a so-called “expert”.  Many people recognize that SEO is important and hire an expert to handle it on their behalf.  The challenges of this approach are similar to those you face when hiring a financial planner.  You have to make sure you hire a skilled agent who uses respected practices, you have to ensure the agent understands your goals and has your best interests in mind, and you need to find a way to quantify the value generated by the agent on an ongoing basis.  Not so easy, huh?
Do it yourself.  This approach requires the most effort and can be daunting to many people.  The primary benefit of this approach is that you are in control and can make your own decisions.  Besides the desire to take control, people often adopt this approach because they are excited about the subject, the prospects of success, and wish to enhance their own expertise.  The downside of this approach is that both SEO and investing are complex subjects, and you might make a few mistakes along the way.
So, what does all of this mean?  We can easily apply some tried and true best practices from the world of investment planning to the domain of SEO.  They are:
Get educated.  Avail yourself of the many sources of valuable information.  If you don’t know the basics, you won’t be able to make much progress by yourself, and you won’t know how to evaluate results.  Start by perusing the content on reputable sites like, and because SEO is constantly evolving, check in regularly for new tips.
Set goals.  Once you’ve gotten your feet wet, set some goals.  A goal might be something like this: Increase my qualified search traffic by 10% by October 1.   You might also use a proxy for this, such as the bounce rate of traffic that originated from search engines.  If you adopt this approach, you could set a goal like this: Reduce the bounce rate of my search traffic by 10% by October while preserving the total amount of search traffic I receive.  This goal describes your desire to improve the quality of your search traffic.
Start early.  In financial planning, it’s good to start investing early because your investments benefit from compounding over time.  In SEO, it’s good to start early because it takes time for your efforts to generate results.  Even if you only do a little at a time, start today.
Diversify.  There are many different elements to successful SEO, and you don’t want to just focus on one of them, like link building.  You also need good, unique content and an outstanding user experience.  It may make sense to tackle one thing at a time, but make sure you cover all the bases.  Search engines change their algorithms regularly, and you want to make sure your SEO success is not strongly tied to any one technique that may go out of favor.
Use available tools.  Use the tools that provide you with insight and guidance.  Seek out tools that are affordable and easy to use and understand.  When you’re just starting out, these tools will help to shape your thinking and should provide you with clear recommendations.  Investment planning calculators serve this purpose in the financial domain.  For SEO, there are tools like Alexa’s SEO Audit and Site Audit.   With these, you can increase your site’s traffic and optimize its performance using our personalized, recommendations to improve SEO, site security and usability.  Learn more by visiting
With this approach, you’ll not only take meaningful strides toward reaching your audience and traffic goals, you’ll achieve much greater independence and control over the success of your site.

17 tips for chrome

Take your Web surfing experience to the next level with these 17 tips and tricks for Google's Chrome browser

Google's Chrome browser is full of shortcuts, hidden functions, and tweaks that can save you time and improve your workflow. All you have to do is carve out a few minutes and learn how to take advantage of 'em.
So read on -- and get ready to transform the way you use your browser.
[ Safeguard your browsers; InfoWorld's experts tell you how in the "Web Browser Security Deep Dive" PDF guide. | For a quick, smart take on the news you'll be talking about, check outInfoWorld TechBrief -- subscribe today. ]

Be aware that this may cause issues with certain websites; you'll probably want to click the "Manage exceptions" button and whitelist sites that rely heavily on plug-ins to operate -- YouTube, Vimeo, and Pandora, for instance -- in order to avoid any funky behavior.
Chrome tip No. 1Wish there were a way to keep videos and other Flash content from automatically playing when you open a page? There is: Type chrome://settings/content into Chrome's Omnibox (aka its address bar), scroll down to the section labeled "Plug-ins," and select "Click to play." Now, any piece of multimedia content will appear as a grayed-out box until you click to activate it.
Chrome tip No. 2You probably know you can drag tabs in and out of windows, but there's also a lesser-known shortcut in the tab management family: Middle-clicking a tab's title box (at the top of the browser window) will cause the tab to close.
Chrome tip No. 3Middle-clicking has another hidden use throughout Chrome: It will cause a link to open in a new tab in the background, so you can continue working in your current tab without interruption. It'll work with a link on a Web page as well as with an item in the drop-down list that appears when you type into the Omnibox.
Chrome tip No. 4If you don't like to middle-click, don't worry: Holding down the Ctrl (or Cmd) key while left-clicking will accomplish the same feat described in tip No. 3. Holding down Shift while left-clicking, meanwhile, will open the link in a new background window instead of a tab.
Chrome tip No. 5Another useful Omnibox key combo: Try pressing Alt-Enter after you type a search term or URL into the box. That'll cause your results to open in a new tab instead of in your current tab.
Chrome tip No. 6
Not a fan of Chrome's revamped New Tab page? You're not alone. Google recently phased out aworkaround that let you switch back to the old New Tab style, but a third-party extension calledNew Tab Redirect can help fill the void. Once you've installed the extension, head into its settings and click the option to use the Apps page as your New Tab page. It's not identical to the original New Tab setup, but it's darn close.
Chrome tip No. 7When you want to move or close multiple tabs at once, hold down the Shift key and click each of their titles at the top of the browser. Thus, they'll all be selected; you can then drag them out to a new window together, or close them all simultaneously by pressing Ctrl-W (Cmd-W on a Mac).
Chrome tip No. 8
Close a tab by mistake? Press Ctrl-Shift-T (Cmd-Shift-T on a Mac) to reopen it. You can press it again and again to keep reopening old tabs in the order they were closed.

Chrome tip No. 9

If you ever highlight text on a Web page, try right-clicking afterward. You'll find a single-step option to search for the text -- or, if the text involves a valid (but not hyperlinked) URL, to navigate to it without having to copy and paste.
Chrome tip No. 10
You can always access your browsing history by pressing Ctrl-H, but you can also see the most recently viewed pages within any individual tab by clicking and holding the Back button at the top-left of the browser. The middle-click and Ctrl- or Shift-click commands described in tips 3 and 4 will work there, too, if you want to open an old link in a new background tab or window.
Chrome tip No. 11
You can also highlight text, then drag it to the Omnibox to initiate a search or navigation in the same manner described in tip No. 10.
Chrome tip No. 12
Highlighting text and dragging it to the top-most area of the browser -- next to your right-most tab -- will launch a search or navigation in a new tab rather than the current one.
Chrome tip No. 13

Typing into Chrome's Omnibox searches Google by default, but you can also use it to search most any site on the Web: All you have to do is start typing a site's name into the box -- Amazon or YouTube, for instance -- then press Tab and begin typing your search term.
If a site doesn't automatically support native Omnibox searching, you can manually add it into Chrome's search engine list by right-clicking the Omnibox and selecting "Edit search engines." You can also set up a custom keyword to use in place of the site's URL, if you want.
Chrome tip No. 14
You can search your Google Drive files directly from Chrome's Omnibox: Go into the aforementioned "Edit search engines" menu and add a new search engine with the name "Google Drive" and the keyword gd (or whatever keyword you prefer). For the URL, enter, then click the Done button.
Now, type gd into the Omnibox, hit Tab, and search away within your own Drive files.

Chrome tip No. 15
The same setup described in tip No. 14 can also be configured with Gmail: Simply perform the same process but make the name "Gmail," the keyword gm, and the URL
Chrome tip No. 16
Want a shortcut for adding new Google Calendar events from Chrome's Omnibox? Add a new search engine called "Calendar" with keyword cal and URL
Next time you want to add a new event, type cal into the Omnibox, hit Tab, then type in your event details in plain English -- like "Meeting with Jim in Conference Room 2 Tuesday at 1 p.m." Chrome will take you directly into Google Calendar with all the appropriate fields prepopulated; all you'll have to do is hit Save to confirm.
Chrome tip No. 17
Search your bookmarks from the Omnibox with the help of a free Chrome extension calledHolmes. Once it's installed, you can type an asterisk into the Omnibox, hit Tab, then type in any keywords to get instant results from your saved sites.

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